Do not send any shipments/returns without an approved RMA!

Please note: If you wish to make use of the right of revocation (within 14 days after purchase for private consumers within the European Union), please see the Widerrufsbelehrung/Cancellation Policy for the procedure. If your product is defective within or outside the warranty period, please continue. We will contact you to provide an RMA number after this form is submitted to us. We have the right to refuse any shipment that comes in without a return number.

Important Information

Before you proceed, please make sure you have read the manual for your device. You can find all manuals over at For PoE Injectors, please also check this blog post as a starting point. About half of the devices we get sent are not defective! We are happy to help if you have any questions.

Customer Information

This address will be used to return the goods once processed.

Contact Information

Your Email Address(Required)

Product Details

Please note that every product must need its own RMA unless pre-approved otherwise.
Only fill in if you have an existing ticket-number!
Order number must look like #0000, LMI0000 or LMD0000.
DD dot MM dot YYYY
Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 25 MB.
While not required, we recommend uploading your invoice for faster processing.
Reason for RMA(Required)
Provide as detailed description as possible (please note defect/dead/faulty is not an appropriate description of the fault)
List any accessories (cables, adapters, …) you will be returning with this RMA. We deny any liability over extra items sent that were not agreed on. Only return accessories that are required for us to test. If no other accessories are returned, note N/A in this field.


Clear Signature