performeon UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Dachauer Straße 112h
80636 Munich

Ab 1. August 2024 geänderte Anschrift!
From 1 August 2024 our address changes!
Rodgasse 5, 97828 Marktheidenfeld

Managing Director: German Hoeffner
Phone: 089 2000 85320

Registry Court & Registration Number: Munich District Court, HRB 256310
VAT Identification Number: DE330019493

WEEE Reg. No: DE43541249 (Participation in the AURUM disposal concept)
LUCID No: DE1064964637255

Responsible for content: German Hoeffner, address as above.

Alternative Dispute Resolution in accordance with Art. 14 (1) ODR-VO and § 36 VSBG:

The european commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (OS) which is accessible at We are not obliged nor willing to participate in dispute settlement proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.